Wednesday 6 July 2011

Pete Rose All Star Story

With the MLB All Star Game coming up soon I thought it would be a good story to tell about Pete Rose and the All Stars. I heard this story in the book The Baseball By: Zack Hample.

Pete Rose sucked in the All Stars game. He played in 16 All Star games and batted .212. Before the 1978 game in San Diego Pete knew that Japanese baseballs can be hit further the MLB Balls. He then arranged for Mizuno to ship the balls to him.

At the All Star game at BP, him and his team mates went to the AL's clubhouse and asked the rival all stars if they wanted to watch the NL's BP. They agreed and the NL was cranking the balls over the wall. Everyone was hitting them deep even players who had bad power.

At the end of BP Rose collected all the balls before heading off. When the AL batted, the team could hardley get a homer.

Long story short, the NL ended up winning 7-3.  

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